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How to create the ultimate relaxing bath experience

Here at NPM Bathrooms, we love the serene atmosphere that a nice warm soak brings. After all, baths are perfect for providing a temporary escape from the hustle and bustle of the real world, and who doesn’t love a little peace and relaxation?

Humans have been enjoying and perfecting the art of the bath for quite literally thousands of years – for examples, you need look no further than the Roman baths, or the Turkish hammams and Japanese onsen. And it’s not a practice relegated to bygone ages, either – even today, countless people are always discovering and re-discovering new ways to create the ultimate relaxing bath experience.

It’s something we’ve got a fair bit of personal expertise with here at NPM Bathrooms. With decades of experience behind us, we’ve learned a thing or two about creating the ultimate relaxing bath experience, so here’s a few of our top tips that will help you nail the perfect bath in no time.

Preparation is key

It’s often quite difficult to recreate the tranquil atmosphere of a spa at home – maybe you’ve tried once or twice already! And apart from the obvious environmental differences, one of the main reasons why it’s often easy to fall short is because of a lack of preparation. The perfect bath is a formula, and preparation is key to its success, so making sure you’re well prepared is essential to a smooth and relaxing experience.

Start by making sure your bathroom is clean and clutter free. Remove your lotions and potions from the side of the tub and lay down a fresh bath matt. Next, grab your after-bath supplies like your fluffy towels, a cosy bathrobe and some comfy slippers and have them close by for when you want to get out. Now you’ve got that sorted, dim the lights, light a few candles and get that water running.

The ideal soak time and temperature

In many ways, bathing is as much a science as it is an art. You can enhance your experience by tweaking a few variables like when you bathe and how long you bathe for. It’s these subtle and small differences that will take you from an average bath to the ultimate bath.

Let’s start with temperature. It may surprise a few people to learn that the ideal temperature for a bath is equal to that of your body temperature. That’s usually around 37°C to 40°C, but it’s different for everyone. If you’re turning pink and red after a bath, the water is too hot and this can leave your skin itchy, dry and irritated.

As much as many of us like to relax in the bath for as long as our hearts desire, you don’t need to bathe for longer than 20 to 30 minutes to reap the relaxation benefits. Staying in too long can also dry out your skin. There’s nothing stopping you soaking a little longer but it’s just worth keeping in mind!

Optimal bathing times

A relaxing bath is a personal experience, so the exact timing of when you indulge is completely up to you. But generally speaking, most people tend to bathe either in the morning or the evening, and both of these times come with their own set of health and relaxation benefits.

A soothing nighttime bath is great for those who have trouble falling asleep. Research shows that a pre-snooze soak can actually improve the quality of your sleep, with ideal time for a dip being 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. The bath will help improve your temperature circadian rhythm which promotes better sleep.

On the other hand, we could think of no better way to start the day than with a relaxing and rejuvenating bath. Benefits of morning baths include increased blood flow, the loosening of joints and of course, it helps wake you up. If you’re someone who occasionally deals with achy muscles or joins, a relaxing morning bath could help relieve a bit of extra tension and limber up your body for the day ahead.

Enhance your bathing experience

Lastly, and arguably most excitingly, comes the enhancements. There’s no better way to indulge in a relaxing bath than by setting the mood by popping on a face mask and marinating in a mix of soft, soapy bubbles and essential oils. Studies suggest rose scents are great for relaxation, but you can use whatever you like! It’s here you can get really creative with your concoctions.

Music also adds to the placidity of a relaxing bath. Nothing too upbeat that will keep your brain on high alert (it’s meant to be relaxing after all). If you want to take it even further, you could opt for something even more serene like rain sounds or a meditation track to really help you unwind and relax.

And if you’re thinking about updating your bathroom to enhance your relaxation, you can trust us to get the job done. Here at NPM Bathrooms, we’ve got more than 30 years of experience in bathroom design, and we’d love to bring your dream bathroom to life! Come pay us a visit at our Manchester Road bathroom showroom, or call us on 01282 697717, and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.

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